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Hi. I'm Jules-Ismaël Tien, nicknamed "lautregars" on many networks.

It's shorter, and a little easier to write.

I am a Supinfogame Rubika student, in Game Design course.

 I'm a pure product of our generation, raised with the Internet and

an easy access to technology ; for example, I learned how to read

with my sibling's help while playing Pokemon Red on Game Boy,

so I could understand and play it by myself.  

This was my main motive, and it was pretty worth it.


This is my birthplace. Frequent excursions in nature (Mountain, Sea, Forest)

gave me a taste for verticality, bright colors, and open landscapes.

It still greatly drives my imagination.

I grew up, constantly playing, on handheld consoles then PC, falling in love with good storytelling, appealing graphics, or fun game mechanics.

As a kid, it was especially RPGs that made me understand that aesthetics (narrative, visual, sound) could completely influence the feelings and game experience of a person while playing games, and then I told myself : "This, I want to do this, so that people will feel just like I'm feeling now"


Hence, since grade school, I've wanted to create interactive experiences.

It gave me the taste for audiovisual medias and Art, which I've kept to this day.

While growing up, I also had the chance of travelling abroad numerous times with my family,

discovering new cultures. I started to have a fascination for people, their cultures, their pasts, their stories.

And most importantly : what leads one to think as they think.

That's what led me to get interested into Cognitive Psychology, Sociology, and many other Human Sciences.

I like to learn new things. That may seem pretty general, but I love the feeling of learning something, and making that knowledge useful.

That's why I try to be interested in as many fields as possible. I believe that the more I understand people,

how they think, and what they're working on, the more my own work will be qualitative, and efficient.

I want my two main qualities to be knowledge, and versatility.

But most importantly, I want to support the creation of enjoyable, or even memorable experiences.

No matter the concept or the intentions : My dream is to make a bunch of other people dream with my work.

If you haven't got enough, here's a convenient built-in Wix banner, which I use for talking about stuff that really drives and inspires me when working :


 The first books that really impacted me were ones of various culture's mythology.

It made me travel through time and space, dreaming about great stories, and gave me the first notions of what were a civilization, a tradition, a belief, and an ideal...

 I spent, since I was born, a tremendous amount of time, learning stuff about cultures, history, across the globe. I think that constantly changing my point of view, culturally conditioned by the land where I grew up and the people that were around me, is a good way to have new ideas, and develop my imaginary.

 I always want to develop my culture, to better understand different people's ways of thinking.

And that's what I like : people's history. From ancient to modern history ( even if I have a crush on Classical era and Middle Ages ), across the globe, I try to know the most I can, to better unterstand the world I live on, for knowing the past helps to understand the present, stuff like that.

 Of course, in that case, civilizations history go along with light-sociology, philosophy, and theology, disciplines that are pretty interesting too, especially when applied to medias creation.



Sid Meier's Civilization V


Crusader Kings II

Europea Universalis IV

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